Today Lucy and I put Boston in the truck, and drove to the Humane Society. We were on a mission, a mission to find a buddy for Boston.
Boston is a sweet, sweet dog. He also has a LOT of energy - so much energy that when the kids come home from school he tramples them in his enthusiasm to play and lick and sniff. It didn't matter if I had just taken hiim to the beach, or for a walk in the woods, he was always ready for more - twenty four seven this dog is "on". We needed a solution. And in my muddled, murkey mind, that solution was a playmate.
So we marched into the squat concrete building with our shoulders square and our game faces on. We would not be easily swayed. The perfect dog had to have it all. Cute looks, gentle demeanor, and a willingness to be chased in circles around the yard all day long.
We looked at every dog in the place. Puppies, adults, chihuahuas and hounds....and I fell in love with two - an enormous spaniel named Domino, and a freshly neutered basset/chihuahua puppy with the sweetest gray eyes and those silly duck feet that bassetts have.
But Boston's enthusiasm was too much. Neither of these dogs would have been a good fit. Domino would have plowed over any child in his path, and the puppy was absolutely petrified.
And so we returned to the first dog - the one suggested to us by the guy behind the counter, who clearly adored him. Boston did all of the things Boston likes to do - sniff, lick, chase and eventually, hump. And this dog was down with all of it, right up until Boston tried to mount him.
And what we witnessed was the dog equivalent of "I don't think so, asshole."
With all of his strength, this little dog threw his hindquarters to the left, and Boston went flying, legs akimbo, and landed right on his ass. And that, no pun intended, was the end of that.
Introducing Boston and his new best friend Patrick:
5 days ago
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