Yesterday I had a spectacularly shiteous day at work.
There is no way to sugar coat it. I mean, the shift itself was fine. Busy, nice customers, good tips. But I was way off my game, practically disoriented, just...fuzzy. It was a day I was glad to see end.
And today is a better day, evidenced here by the two things I saw as this much better day was winding down.
First, the town I work and shop in, and spend most of my free time wandering around:
Yes, we really do just have random rainbows pop up all day long here in Hawaii. They are on our license plates for good reason.
I took this photo as I was crossing the street on the way to work. The cafe is right under the rainbow. I could make a bunch of obnoxious Judy Garland and Lucky Charms comments right now, but I'm not gonna. It was a nice way to wrap up the day, and head into work for a dinner shift.
And then, after working dinner, I made my way back to the house. By now it is cold and windy and raining. I am glad to be here - but my dog is even happier about it.
That look you see there ? That is blind adoration. That dog loves me in a way I cannot understand, and do not come close to reciprocating. I really wish he would take it down a notch, actually. He is an outdoor dog (It's Hawaii, people. That's not a rough gig.) and our house is built on "post and pier" which basically means it's on stilts. (This helps to prevent termites, which are a major issue here in Hawaii, but I digress.) My point in sharing that detail is that the dog hangs out under the house. And he will literally follow my footsteps and voice around the house, and whimper from beneath the floorboards. It's creepy. Gives a new meaning to "underfoot", let me tell ya.
I am heading to bed, but tomorrow we have an action-packed day and I will try to remember to take photographs to share !
7 hours ago
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