Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sometimes it is hard to be thankful....

This is my next list - of things that could have been worse. I am thankful - and maybe a teeny bit pissed off.

1. I am thankful that Sami did not get pulled over with his EXPIRED DRIVERS LICENSE when he was driving, before the unfortunate discovery at Enterprise the other day.

2. I am thankful that Sami stopped Max from getting into the strangers car by accident at the truck stop. Long story, but it was just a random, weird thing......

3. I am thankful that we didn't get carjacked when I took a wrong turn and ended up in a very sketchy area of the Bronx. And I know sketchy areas, so trust me when I say this was SKETCHY.

4. I am thankful that while I was trying to explain to Sami how to work the iPod, I looked up in time to avoid a rear end collision

5. I am thankful that the only thing I left in the Cincinnati Airport was a bottle of Vitamin Water. Unless I just haven't discovered the missing items yet.........

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